Morcovel si Turty. Carrot and Turty
18,90 lei
Authors | Mioara Teodorescu Traila |
Publisher | Ideea Europeana |
Pages | 72 |
Additional information
General | |
Authors | Mioara Teodorescu Traila |
Publisher | Ideea Europeana |
Others | |
Identification | |
ISBN-13 | 9786303330655 |
Format | |
Pages | 72 |
Povestea a luat nastere la indemnul voios si din ideile furnizate cu generozitate de Filip. Asa ca este normal, nu-i asa, sa ne surada vesel, aici, tocmai Filip!
Desenele sunt in mare parte rezultatul stradaniei Ceciliei. Cealalta parte e contributia mea. Dar talentul si ajutorul ei neconditionat ii justifica pozitia a doua pe coperta. O parte din ilustratii apartin unei alte „perioade de creatie” a Ceciliei. Toate ilustratiile, ale Ceciliei si ale mele, ne-au ajutat sa ducem povestea lui Filip la bun sfarsit.
Fotografia mea nu este aici. Asa cum spune Filip: „Tu esti deja pe doua carti!” Cred ca are dreptate. Sa nu exageram! / Mioara Teodorescu – Traila
The story was born at the joyful urge and out of the ideas provided with generosity by Filip. So, it’s only normal, isn’t it, that Filip should cheerfully smile at us on the back cover!
The drawings are partly the result of Cecilia’s effort; her somehow rebelous 14 years prevent her from being, however, fully involved. But, her talent and unconditional help justify her second position on the same cover. Several drawings belong to another Cecilia’s „creative period”. All the illustrations, Cecilia’s or mine, help Filipʼs the story to the end.
My photo isn’t here. As Filip says: „You are already on two other books!” I think he is right. Let’s not exaggerate! / Mioara Teodorescu – Traila