Miscarea mondiala pentru poezie. World Poetry Movement
32,56 lei
Authors | Elena Armenescu |
Publisher | Creator |
Year | 2019 |
Pages | 378 |
Informații suplimentare
General | |
Authors | Elena Armenescu |
Publisher | Creator |
Year | 2019 |
Others | |
Identification | |
ISBN-13 | 9786060291350 |
Format | |
Pages | 378 |
Editie ingrijita de / edited by: Elena Armenescu
Editie multilingva: limba romana, engleza, franceza, spaniola, italiana, rusa, chineza.
Din Antichitate, poezia a zdruncinat, a eliberat si a transformat constiinta, sensibilitatea si sentimentele omenirii. Datorita naturii poeziei, Miscarea Mondiala pentru Poezie sustine si va sustine intotdeauna gandurile, actiunile si masurile care pot contribui la pacea mondiala, apararea oricarei vieti pe pamant, dezvoltarea durabila a unei lumi noi, restaurarea frumusetii, demnitatii si adevarului, in procesul unei consolidari persistente a prezentei poeziei in societatea contemporana din intreaga lume.
From antichity, poetry has been shaking, liberating and transforming the conscience, sensibility and emotions of the humankind. Due to the nature of poetry, World Poetry Movement wants to support thoughts, actions and measures that are able to contribute to the peace of our world, to defend the life on earth, long-lasting development of a new world, restoration of the beauty, dignity and truth, during a process of persistent presence of poetry in the contemporary society in every part of the world.