Million Dollar Theft in San Francisco + Audio CD + App (A2/B1)

Prețul inițial a fost: 43,90 lei.Prețul curent este: 39,51 lei.

Informații suplimentare
Authors Gina D.B. Clemen
Publisher Black Cat Cideb
Year 2015
Language Engleză
ISBN-13 9788853015129
Dimensions 16x24 cm
Pages 80
Cover Paperback

Two years have passed since Susan, Brian and Jim solved a baffling mystery in San Francisco. This time they have to solve a million dollar mystery: Mark Twain’s secret diary has just been discovered and publishers all over the world want to get their hands on it… but it suddenly disappears without a clue! Susan, Brian and Jim are determined to find it.



Mark Twain in the Gold Country

San Francisco and the Gold Rush

Alcatraz Island

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