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Messages from the Ascended Masters (Vol. IV)
28,00 lei
Authors | Maria Cristina Stroiny |
Publisher | Agni Mundi |
Year | 2014 |
Language | Engleză |
Pages | 233 |
Informații suplimentare
General | |
Authors | Maria Cristina Stroiny |
Publisher | Agni Mundi |
Year | 2014 |
Others | |
Language | Engleză |
Identification | |
ISBN-13 | 9786069365465 |
Format | |
Dimensions | 13 x 20 cm |
Pages | 233 |
Cover | Paperback brosat |
Maria Cristina goes on:
"To love even when you don't understand everything surrounding you. The united energies of mind and soul are connected to superior dimensions. The more we connect to superior dimensions, the better we express good will, pure words accessible to anyone. Kind words will bring comfort to others, light and soul rejuvenation. Work is done on us to obtain all this. Problems in the throat area are connected to speech and compelling… But let's hear what others have to say.”
The Masters of Light:
"From a heavenly point of view, the fourth dimension is not a higher dimension. But for you, this 4D is superior to 3D. But your united power is no longer manifesting 3D. We are using that group Antahkarana, that group soul, to create the works included in the Great Plan. Through you, we offer the world certain truths. First we test you to see how you receive these truths, and then, through you we give them to the world. The world is prepared to learn these truths, and where you see people not being ready you will have to get them ready yourselves. How? With respect and great attention.
Many people consider themselves unprepared for books of this type. Some see them as science-fiction. Sad but true, these books are and accepted more by people living in villages or small country towns that by people living in the capital or in other big cities. Indeed, men in villages live close to nature in every moment of his life, and that makes his connection with Heavens much easier.
You all noticed that the superior dimensions have already settled in in our country, in little known areas, between villages, where no one ever goes to. We need to talk about these truths. We will have many books to write, because we have so much to learn and we want to share all this knowledge with you, all of you reading this book. When Agni no longer has anything to say, it must disappear. So far that is all we have to say to the world, because there is so much that is yet unknown.”
Alte titluri pentru Maria CristinaStroiny (autor):
Mesaje de la Maeștrii Ascensionați. O misiune importantă – România (Vol. I) (2019)
Mesaje de la Maeștrii Ascensionați. O misiune importantă – România (Vol. II) (2019)
Mesaje de la Maeștrii Ascensionați. O misiune importantă – România (Vol. III) (2019)
Mesaje de la Maeștrii Ascensionați. O misiune importantă – România (Vol. IV) (2019)
Messages from the Ascended Masters (Vol. I) (2019)
Messages from the Ascended Masters (Vol. II) (2019)
Messages from the Ascended Masters (Vol. III) (2019)
The Ones Who Help the Earth (2019)
Cei ce ajută Pământul (2019)