Messages from the Ascended Masters (Vol. III)

28,00 lei

Authors Maria Cristina Stroiny
Publisher Agni Mundi
Year 2014
Language Engleză
Pages 251
SKU: ND75Fa284EWXDgn8gIdB Categorii: , , Etichetă:
Informații suplimentare
Authors Maria Cristina Stroiny
Publisher Agni Mundi
Year 2014
Language Engleză
ISBN-13 9786069365458
Dimensions 13 x 20 cm
Pages 251
Cover Paperback brosat

In the second volume, I was talking about the loss or fragmentation of the soul. A large part of the humankind has gone through and is going through this. It is believed that those who have lost some parts of their souls will not be able to get through the quantum jump and the high frequency energies which pour down on Earth.
But why does the soul fragment itself?
Shamans believe that some parts of the soul are free to leave the body. These are trying to protect us from the traumas and dramatic situations which occur in our life at emotional and psychical level. The loss of someone dear through death or break-up, sexual abuse, accidents, severe diseases, surgical interventions, frights can lead to the loss of these fragments.
Each part of the soul has its own qualities and defects, emotions and experiences. When a man loses a certain part of his soul, these characteristics disappear together with it.
Even though, in its nature, soul fragmentation seems a self-defence mechanism, it can lead to great inner sufferings and external inabilities.
There are some symptoms which can appear together with the loss of some parts of the soul: depression, addiction to sex, drugs, alcohol, weakening of the immune system, mental disorders, lack of confidence in those around us, lack of interest for everything that is spiritual, irresponsibility, lack of memories from the past, inability to maintain harmonious relationships etc.
There are some techniques, which help people retrieve their soul, such as shamanic exercises, but the results of these works can only be seen over time.
Real problems occur when these fragments start to integrate. After fragmentation, the parts of the soul float without any goal in the subtle worlds or get attached in the structures of other persons. When these fragments come back, they contain some impurities, which need to be eliminated. Thus integration is more difficult and takes time, due to the fact that these parts bring with them unpleasant feelings and memories, which must be transcended.
Repeated loss of soul parts leads to diseases. Psi attacks, witchcraft, disputes with relatives or parents also lead to this. Betrayals, disappointments, departure from natal grounds push us to fragmentation. Any event which leads to a shock can cause a loss of the soul. Coma, in its own turn, is also related to the loss of soul. In case of coma, there is more soul outside the body than inside it.
We have become so vulnerable before negative influences as a result of the fact that we have disconnected from nature. When humans lose their connection with nature, the energies of other people are easily absorbed in their auric field and can attack it.

Alte titluri pentru Maria CristinaStroiny (autor):

Mesaje de la Maeștrii Ascensionați. O misiune importantă – România (Vol. I) (2019)


Mesaje de la Maeștrii Ascensionați. O misiune importantă – România (Vol. II) (2019)


Mesaje de la Maeștrii Ascensionați. O misiune importantă – România (Vol. III) (2019)


Mesaje de la Maeștrii Ascensionați. O misiune importantă – România (Vol. IV) (2019)


Messages from the Ascended Masters (Vol. I) (2019)


Messages from the Ascended Masters (Vol. II) (2019)


Messages from the Ascended Masters (Vol. IV) (2019)


The Ones Who Help the Earth (2019)


Cei ce ajută Pământul (2019)
