Messages from the Ascended Masters (Vol. I)

28,00 lei

Authors Maria Cristina Stroiny
Publisher Agni Mundi
Year 2014
Language Engleză
Pages 290
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Informații suplimentare
Authors Maria Cristina Stroiny
Publisher Agni Mundi
Year 2014
Language Engleză
ISBN-13 9786069365434
Dimensions 13 x 20 cm
Pages 290
Cover Paperback brosat

Humanity needs examples. Our brothers everywhere have seen enough negativity and malice. It is time for them to also see nice things, which, in their own discretion, they may use as examples. All that you will see in this book are the teachings of the Ascended Masters (Masters of Light), which helped a lot during these years all the members of the Agni group. Now, all of us have decided it is good that such high wisdom teachings are offered to humanity. Here we give them to you, dear friends, in order you also learn about all these wonderful things that have guided our steps toward our own development. And, if you wonder what simple words are used in this book, you should know that they are full of a high vibration that helps in the healing process at any level. I suggest you that, when reading these lines, you bare your soul of any pain or weakness, bad thought or helplessness and let these words from the Divine to elevate and purify yourselves in order to become healthy and clean! […] We, in the invisible worlds, work hard on you, to unfetter your hearts, for without cleaning a real work is impossible. You live handcuffed like birds in a cage and always ask God for mercy, not understanding that salvation is in yourselves. From now on, pray to God to unfetter your hearts, for all diseases and suffering come from there. Many of you have gone to the evil creation, for you thought it was good and beautiful. In times to come, you will see many changes, many masks will fall, you will begin to see the Truth. The large distance appearing between from must not afflict you, you should leave those who do not want to learn, for this is their choice! And if you want to save someone, do it with yourself and not necessarily with others. In order to save someone, you need divine power and strength from our Holy Jesus Christ, to bring to mercy all the losers to be retrieved. Leave all the Light that flows from Heaven save you and serve you, for we are the ones to worship you, not yourselves! You should know that Jesus Christ is always present near your, He is your redemption and salvation, only in God are the victory and peace! Allow your soul to learn, because for it to come! Let your soul learn, for this is the reason of its arrival. As for the Heavenly Father, you should know that He loves you very much, but the word love, known to Him, is not accessible for you yet. He asked me to transmit you something: that He has so much Light to offer and He has whom to offer it!
Let God find you in peace in every moment, strengthen you and fetter your hearts, let your true heart treated by Him be saved and consume itself into the flames of God, Amen!

Alte titluri pentru Maria CristinaStroiny (autor):

Mesaje de la Maeștrii Ascensionați. O misiune importantă – România (Vol. I) (2019)


Mesaje de la Maeștrii Ascensionați. O misiune importantă – România (Vol. II) (2019)


Mesaje de la Maeștrii Ascensionați. O misiune importantă – România (Vol. III) (2019)


Mesaje de la Maeștrii Ascensionați. O misiune importantă – România (Vol. IV) (2019)


Messages from the Ascended Masters (Vol. II) (2019)


Messages from the Ascended Masters (Vol. III) (2019)


Messages from the Ascended Masters (Vol. IV) (2019)


The Ones Who Help the Earth (2019)


Cei ce ajută Pământul (2019)
