Miracolele Mirandei
23,38 lei

Five-Minute Activities
184,00 lei Prețul inițial a fost: 184,00 lei.128,80 leiPrețul curent este: 128,80 lei.
Memorandul romanilor din Transilvania si procesul de la Cluj
47,50 lei
Authors | Ovidiu Muntean |
Publisher | MEGA |
Year | 2024 |
Pages | 176 |
Informații suplimentare
General | |
Authors | Ovidiu Muntean |
Publisher | MEGA |
Year | 2024 |
Others | |
Identification | |
ISBN-13 | 9786060207412 |
Format | |
Dimensions | 23x20 |
Pages | 176 |
Lupta nationala a romanilor ardeleni, desfasurata in sfertul de secol care separa inaugurarea dualismului austro‑ungar (1867) de debutul miscarii memorandiste (1892), a constituit tema centrala a expozitiei temporare Memorandul romanilor din Transilvania – 125 de ani care a fost deschisa in anul premergator aniversarii Centenarului Marii Uniri. Evenimentul expozitional s-a bucurat de prezenta domnului Indrei Ratiu care a subliniat insemnatatea miscarii memorandiste si a evocat personalitatea bunicului domniei sale, ilustrul avocat si om politic turdean dr. Augustin Ratiu (1884–1970). Este de stiut faptul ca, prin intreaga lui activitate, Augustin Ratiu a promovat cu staruinta memoria conducatorului miscarii memorandiste, dr. Ioan Ratiu (1828–1902), si, in acest sens, a avut un rol important in constituirea, cu incepere din anul 1967, a Fondului Ratiu pastrat in colectiile Muzeului National de Istorie a Transilvaniei. (din „Introducere”)
The national fight of the Romanians living in Transylvanian during the quarter of the century that separates the inauguration of the Austro-Hungarian Compromise (1867) from the beginning of the Memorandum Movement (1892), represented the central topic of the temporary exhibition Transylvanian Memorandum – 125 years opened in the year prior to the anniversary of the Great Union Centenary. The exhibition organisers were honoured by the presence of Mr. Indrei Ratiu, who emphasized the significance of the Memorandum Movement and evoked the personality of his grandfather, distinguished lawyer and politician from Turda, Dr. Augustin Ratiu (1884–1970). It is well-known that throughout his activity, Mr. Augustin Ratiu had perseveringly promoted the memory of the Leader of the Memorandum Movement, Dr. Ioan Ratiu (1828–1902) and played, in this respect, a key role in the establishment, since 1967, of the Ratiu Fund, preserved in the collections of the National Museum of Transylvanian History. (from the Introduction)