Medieval Monuments of Bukovina
38,53 lei
Authors | Oliviu Boldura, Tereza Sinigalia |
Publisher | ACS |
Year | 2015 |
Language | Română |
Pages | 224 |
Informații suplimentare
General | |
Authors | Oliviu Boldura, Tereza Sinigalia |
Publisher | ACS |
Year | 2015 |
Others | |
Language | Română |
Identification | |
ISBN-13 | 9786069358351 |
Format | |
Dimensions | 14,5x23,5 cm |
Pages | 224 |
Cover | Paperback brosat |
Medieval Monuments of Bukovina – a book for your travels or a travel in a single book!
– Well documented text, whose authors are experts in Medieval art history and restoration;
– More than 400 new images – aerial photos, interior and external complexes, details of mural paintings from scaffold-level, taken during restoration;
– Map of monuments and suggested routes
– Sections and plans of monuments
The book is part of the “Hearths of Light” collection of ACS Publishing. Its aim is to replace disinterested tourism which “ticks” as many sights as possible with tourism that helps understand the historical and cultural value of those sights.
This collection is drawn up by the restorers having worked on the paintings from the illustrated monuments, in order to help meet the cultural heritage lovers’ need of information.
Alte titluri pentru OliviuBoldura (autor):
Mural Painting in the North of Moldavia. Aesthetic Modification and Restoration (2014)
Monumente medievale din Bucovina (2024)
Mittelalterliche Monumente Aus Bukowina (2022)
Brâncoveni: un drum spre trecut, o cale către viitor (2017)
Arbore: history, art, restauration (2017)
Alte titluri pentru TerezaSinigalia (autor):
Monumente medievale din Bucovina (2024)
Mittelalterliche Monumente Aus Bukowina (2022)
Brâncoveni: un drum spre trecut, o cale către viitor (2017)
Repertoriul arhitecturii în Țara Românească 1600-1680 (Vol. 3) (2022)