Measure for Measure

13,00 lei

Authors William Shakespeare
Publisher Wordsworth Editions Ltd
Year 1999
Language Engleză
Pages 144
SKU: IjHZSCQEEiAhev8SqiCQ Categorii: ,
Informații suplimentare
Authors William Shakespeare
Publisher Wordsworth Editions Ltd
Year 1999
Language Engleză
ISBN-13 9781853262517
Dimensions 13 x 20 cm
Pages 144
Cover Paperback brosat

In the hope of saving her brother's life, should a woman submit to rape? Should the law be respected when its administrator is corrupt? How powerful in the state should religion become? Although Measure for Measure ends like a comedy, with reconciliations, forgiveness and marriages, it has often been regarded as one of Shakespeare's problem plays. The drama shows the difficulty of effecting an appropriate balance between judicial severity and mercy, between sexual repression and decadence, and between political vigilance and social manipulation. These problems remain topical, and, in Measure for Measure, they are given immediacy by vivid character-conflicts and memorably intense poetry. This is one of Shakespeare's most probing and powerful works.

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Visul unei nopți de vară. Cum vă place (2014)


William Shakespeare. Opere complete (vol. I+II) Comedii, Poeme, Sonete (2015)


Opere IX. Eduard al III-lea. Mult zgomot pentru nimic. Macbeth (2015)


Othello. Regele Lear (2022)


Othello (2016)


Opere I: Sonete.Furtuna (2016)


Opere II: Hamlet (2016)


Opere III: A douăsprezecea noapte. Doi veri de stirpe aleasă. Nevestele vesele din Windsor (2016)


Opere IV: Îmblânzirea scorpiei. Regele Ioan. Vis de-o noapte-n miezul verii (2016)
