Material Interests in Intellectual Property Rights under the European Convention on Human Rights

100,00 lei

Publisher Hamangiu
Year 2024
Pages 480
SKU: 40ycjYEnikCVkSxewrLT Categories: ,
Additional information
Publisher Hamangiu
Year 2024
ISBN-13 9786062725419
Dimensions 165x235
Pages 480

Lucrarea de fata reprezinta varianta publicata a tezei de doctorat a autorului, teza sustinuta in Noiembrie 2023, dupa mai mult de opt ani de studiu. Exceptand introducerea si concluziile generale, ce au fost adaptate in vederea publicarii, lucrarea in sine ramane, in esenta, neschimbata fata de varianta propusa spre sustinere.

Abordand subiectul in mod interdisciplinar, lucrarea arata ca interesele patrimoniale in drepturile de proprietate intelectuala sunt protejate in sistemul Conventiei Europene a Drepturilor Omului, atat direct (in logica Articolului 1 din Protocolul Aditional Nr. 1), cat si indirect, prin mijloace de protectie care nu sunt specifice naturii acestora, dar care pot fi incidente in logica generala a Conventiei. 

Aceasta lucrare se remarca prin rigoarea academica si relevanta practica, atragand pe oricine este interesat de peisajul dinamic si in continua evolutie, atat al dreptului proprietatii intelectuale, cat si al drepturilor omului.

The present work is the published version of the author’s doctoral thesis, which was defended in November 2023, after more than eight years of study. Excepting the introduction and general conclusions, which were adapted for the published version, the work itself remains essentially untouched. IPRs are protected under the European Convention on Human Rights, both specifically to IPRs (directly as property), and through means of protection which are not IPR specific but are highly important nonetheless (instances of indirect protection under the Convention).

This work stands out for its academic rigor and practical relevance, appealing to anyone interested in the dynamic and evolving landscape of both IP law and Human Rights Law.