Martin Eden + Audiobook (B2.1)

Prețul inițial a fost: 50,40 lei.Prețul curent este: 45,36 lei.

Authors Jack London
Publisher Black Cat Cideb
Year 2023
Language Engleză
Pages 80
SKU: wa2vHjHww0G8IcmYBmnu Categorii: , , , , , , , Etichetă:
Informații suplimentare
Authors Jack London
Publisher Black Cat Cideb
Year 2023
Language Engleză
ISBN-13 9788853022424
Dimensions 16x24 cm
Pages 80
Cover Paperback brosat

An intense love story that touches every aspect of human emotions, from ecstasy to despair. Martin Eden’s never-ending quest for love, beauty and knowledge becomes a growing obsession. Where will it lead him and the woman he loves?
Set in the turn-of-the-century San Francisco Bay Area, during the explosive birth of the liberal individualists who created a new way of thinking and of writing.

Jack London
San Francisco and the Literary Scene





Alte titluri pentru JackLondon (autor):

Chemarea străbunilor (2022)


Colţ Alb (2014)


Colţ Alb • Chemarea străbunilor (2023)


Chemarea străbunilor (repovestire) (2016)


Ciuma stacojie (2017)


Colț Alb (2018)


Colţ Alb (2018)


Un fiu al soarelui (2018)


Lupul de mare (2018)


Chemarea străbunilor. Mari clasici ilustrați (repovestire) (2018)
