Manualul elevului pentru clasa a 7-a. Carte de gramatica. Enterprise Grammar 3 (SB)
39,00 lei
Authors | Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley |
Year | 2015 |
Pages | 144 |
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Authors | Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley |
Year | 2015 |
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ISBN-13 | 9781903128770 |
Format | |
Pages | 144 |
Contine elemente teoretice, modele de lucru si exercitii practice pentru asimilarea structurilor gramaticale ale limbii engleze: The Tenses (Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect, Past Simple, Past perfect, Future Continuous, Future Perfect), Relative Pronouns/ Adverbs, Adverbs of Frequency, Modal Verbs, Reported Speech, The Definite Article, The Passive, Conditionals – Wishes, Clauses of Reason and Result, Clauses of Purpose, Phrasal Verbs, The to-infinitive/ The infinitive without to/ The -ing form, Need – Personal/ Impersonal Constructions, Question Tags, Countable/ Uncountable Nouns, Tenses of the Infinitive. Include teste de recapitulare a elementelor de gramatica asimilate. Se adreseaza atat elevilor, clasa a VII-a, cat si adultilor, nivel pre-intermediar.
nivel B1