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Little Women + Online Audio + App (Step 1 – A2)

Prețul inițial a fost: 43,90 lei.Prețul curent este: 39,51 lei.


Informații suplimentare
Authors Louisa May Alcott
Publisher Black Cat Cideb
Year 2020
Language Română
ISBN-13 9788853019349
Dimensions 17x24 cm - Academic / X4
Pages 80
Cover Paperback brosat

The March sisters—Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy—are growing up in 19th-century America, and they have hopes, dreams and exciting plans for their future. One day they meet Laurie, the boy next door and he becomes a great friend of the family. This is a wonderful story about how friendship, kindness and love can make dreams come true and bring happiness to everyone.


Louisa May Alcott
Abolitionists and Slavery
Great American Writers of the 19th Century

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Micuțele doamne (2019)


Micuțele doamne (2020)


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Micuțele doamne (2022)


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Micuțele doamne. Primele mele lecturi (Nivelul 3) (2016)


Alte titluri pentru Gina D.B.Clemen (repovestire-de):

Animal Farm + Online Audio (Step Two B1.1) (2024)
