Limba modernă 1 – Engleză. Manual. Clasa a III-a

Prețul inițial a fost: 39,00 lei.Prețul curent este: 35,10 lei.

Authors Herbert Puchta, Gunter Gerngross, Peter Lewis Jones, Oana Cristina Stoica
Publisher Art Klett
Year 2021
Language Română
Pages 120
SKU: 0O0tfxsE90efLGkw7KMX Categorii: , , , , , Etichetă:
Informații suplimentare
Authors Herbert Puchta, Gunter Gerngross, Peter Lewis Jones, Oana Cristina Stoica
Publisher Art Klett
Year 2021
Language Română
ISBN-13 9786060760481
Dimensions 20.5 X 26 cm
Pages 120
Cover Paperback

Manualul școlar a fost aprobat de Ministerul Educației prin ordinul de ministru nr. 4200/07.0.2021

Acest proiect de manual şcolar este realizat în conformitate cu Programa şcolară aprobată prin Ordinul ministrului educaţiei naţionale 5003/02.12.2014.

This textbook offers an English language course that enhances young learners’ thinking skills, sharpening their memory and creativity while improving their language skills through fun activities, songs, chants and colourful stories. With children’s development in mind, the authors have worked together to bring this exciting adventure to third grade students through a course that follows the Romanian Curriculum step by step and: • creates an inclusive learning environment through modern learning strategies, games and dynamic activities to ensure all students achieve success; • inspires passion and sparks the imagination through chants, colourful stories, action songs and fun projects. Join the Explorers, Ben and Lucy, and their dog, Buster, on this exciting adventure in the world of English!










Alte titluri pentru HerbertPuchta (autor):

Eyes Open Level 2 Student's Book (2019)


Eyes Open Level 2 Workbook with Online Practice (2019)


Essential Grammar in Use with Answers (2019)


Get on Stage! Teacher's Book with DVD and Audio CD (2019)


Teaching Young Learners to Think (2019)


English Vocabulary in Use Elementary Book with Answers (2019)


Super Safari 3. Activity Book. Limba Engleză. Clasa pregătitoare + CD (2022)


Super Safari 3. Pupil's Book. Limba Engleză. Clasa pregătitoare + CD (2023)


Super Minds. Student's Book 1. Limba Engleză. Clasa I (Cambridge) + 2 CD (2023)


Super Minds. Workbook 1. Limba Engleză. Clasa I (Cambridge) + CD (2023)
