Level 5: The Five People You Meet in Heaven Book and MP3 Pack

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Authors Mitch Albom
Publisher Pearson, Longman Pearson ELT
Year 2012
Language Română
Pages 93
SKU: kmTLiiB8ESFROZCSgTyw Categorii: , , , , Etichete: ,
Informații suplimentare
Authors Mitch Albom
Publisher Pearson, Longman Pearson ELT
Year 2012
Language Română
ISBN-13 9781408263945
Dimensions 13 x 20 cm
Pages 93
Cover Paperback brosat

When Eddie dies, trying to save a child from a terrible accident, he wakes up in heaven. Heaven, he discovers, is a place where your life on Earth is finally explained to you. It is explained by five people, friends or strangers, who somehow affected your life – and who changed its path forever.

Alte titluri pentru MitchAlbom (autor):

Măsura timpului (2014)


Sunt un copil al lui Dumnezeu (2023)


Cinci prieteni care te așteaptă în rai (Vol. 1) (2023)


Cinci lecții învățate în rai (Vol. 2) (2023)
