Level 3: The Fall of the House of Usher and Other Stories Book and MP3 Pack

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Authors Edgar Allan Poe
Publisher Pearson, Longman Pearson ELT
Year 2012
Language Română
Pages 60
SKU: 9Us9Fx00GmpyiabVt7VQ Categories: , , , , Tags: ,
Additional information
Authors Edgar Allan Poe
Publisher Pearson, Longman Pearson ELT
Year 2012
Language Română
ISBN-13 9781447925491
Dimensions 13 x 20 cm
Pages 60
Cover Paperback brosat

There are five stories in this book. 'The Fall of the House of Usher' and 'The Barrel of Amontillado' are stories of madness; 'The Maelstrom' describes fear of death during a storm on the ocean; and in 'The Murders of the Rue Morgue' and 'The Stolen Letter' meet C. Auguste Dupin, Poe's famous Parisian detective. This Pack contains a Book and MP3.

Alte titluri pentru Edgar AllanPoe (autor):

Povestea lui Arthur Gordon Pym (2013)


Cărăbuşul de aur şi alte povestiri (Top 10+) (2013)


Prăbuşirea casei Usher (2014)


Gândacul de aur (2022)


Butoiul de Amontillado (2014)


Prăbușirea casei Usher și alte povestiri (2018)


Prăbușirea Casei Usher (audiobook) (2023)


Cărăbușul de aur (2019)


Howard Pyle & Edgar Allan Poe – Selected Works (2019)


Portretul oval (2020)
