Level 3: Noughts and Crosses Book and MP3 Pack

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Authors Malorie Blackman
Publisher Pearson, Longman Pearson ELT
Year 2011
Language Română
Pages 64
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Informații suplimentare
Authors Malorie Blackman
Publisher Pearson, Longman Pearson ELT
Year 2011
Language Română
ISBN-13 9781408261293
Dimensions 13 x 20 cm
Pages 64
Cover Paperback brosat

This reader is accompanied with a CD that contains the full audio of the text in MP3 format. Sephy Hadley and Callum McGregor are two young people in love. But Sephy is a Cross, daughter of a government minister, and Callum is a Nought. In their world, Crosses and Noughts cannot be friends. Must they become enemies? Or is there hope for them – and for their unhappy country?