Level 3: Doctor Who: Mummy on the Orient Express Book and MP3 Pack

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Authors Jamie Matheson, Jane Rollason
Publisher Pearson
Year 2018
Language Română
Pages 64
SKU: FoER6iwGGEW0JfOvMFxG Categorii: , , , , Etichete: ,
Informații suplimentare
Authors Jamie Matheson, Jane Rollason
Publisher Pearson
Year 2018
Language Română
ISBN-13 9781292208183
Dimensions 14x20 cm
Pages 64
Cover Paperback brosat

This reader is accompanied with a CD that contains the full audio of the text in MP3 format.

The Doctor and his companion, Clara, are on the most beautiful train in history, speeding past the stars of the future. But something terrible is killing the passengers. After you see the mummy, you only have 66 seconds. Then you die. There is no escape. As the Doctor races against the clock, he seems to Clara more unfeeling than ever before. Will he learn how to stop the mummy? Start the clock!

Alte titluri pentru JaneRollason (autor):

Tales of Terror Level 3 Lower-intermediate (2019)


Disney Beauty and the Beast. Pearson English Kids Readers. A2+ Level 5 with online audiobook (2023)


Alte titluri pentru JamieMatheson (autor):

Level 3: Doctor Who: Flatline Book and MP3 Pack (2023)
