Hurt Feelings: Theory, Research, and Applications in Intimate Relationships

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Publisher Cambridge University Press
Year 2011
Pages 436
SKU: G9V1ppYw70qrfNCmm0hA Categorie:
Informații suplimentare
Publisher Cambridge University Press
Year 2011
ISBN-13 9780521141413
Pages 436

Hurt feelings are universal and are present in human beings as well as in animals. These feelings are usually avoided by human beings and overlooked by the scientific and professional mental health communities. Yet, if unresolved and not shared with loved ones and professionals, they tend to fester in our bodies and effect our functioning. If not expressed and shared with caring others, anger, sadness, and fear are at the bottom of mental illness. Developmentally, each of these feelings respectively gives rise to anti-social acts, depression, and severe mental illness. This book suggests that instead of traditional one-on-one, face-to-face, conversation-based interventions, distance writing will allow mental health professionals to assign interactive practice exercises specifically focused on hurt feelings.