How to Teach Grammar

181,10 lei

Authors Scott Thornbury
Publisher Pearson
Year 1999
Language Engleză
Pages 192
SKU: W5DrmtTmkY67iIdO3hQ Categorii: , , , , ,
Informații suplimentare
Authors Scott Thornbury
Publisher Pearson
Year 1999
Language Engleză
ISBN-13 9780582339323
Dimensions 19x24 cm
Pages 192
Cover Paperback

The How to… series is a great collection of straightforward, user-friendly teacher development books. All titles are written by experienced teachers and teacher trainers and each offers a range of practical teaching ideas within a clear, theoretical framework. Each book contains a photocopiable ‘Task File’ of practical exercises and activities.


Here you'll find a host of ways to develop or enhance your grammar teaching skills. How to Teach Grammar demonstrates methods for practicing a variety of grammar topics, dealing with errors, and integrating grammar instruction into general methodologies such as task-based learning.


How To Teach Grammar Includes:

An overview of what grammar is about.

Reasons for why grammar should be taught.

Ways of judging the efficiency and appropriateness of any grammar lesson.

A Task File of photocopiable training tasks for each chapter.

Explores different techniques for teaching grammar including inductive and deductive approaches

Covers practising, testing, error correction and how to integrate grammar with various methodologies such as communicative language teaching and task-based learning

Sample lessons show a range of teaching approaches and grammar items in context.








Alte titluri pentru ScottThornbury (autor):

The CELTA Course Trainee Book (2019)


Teaching Unplugged (2019)


How to Teach Vocabulary (2023)


The CELTA Course Trainer's Manual (2019)
