Home Extended : Kitchens, Dining Rooms, Living Rooms, Home Offices, Guestrooms and Garages

140,00 lei


Authors Francesc Zamora Mola
Publisher Loft Publications
Year 2016
Language Engleză
Pages 336
SKU: rDrjaKdUX0C8llkpd5xx Categorii: , , ,
Informații suplimentare
Authors Francesc Zamora Mola
Publisher Loft Publications
Year 2016
Language Engleză
ISBN-13 9788499369846
Dimensions 22x33 cm
Pages 336
Cover Paperback brosat

Architectural remodels that involve extensions and additions expand the usable size of a home and boost its value. An undersized home and the need for upgrading non-functional amenities are motivating factors aimed at transforming a home into a perfect fit for one's lifestyle, taste and budget. The combination of additional space and the implementation of interesting architectural details that use the new alongside the old often appears as a compelling alternative to the seamless home where lines between original structure and addition – or expansion – are impossible to discern. 

Alte titluri pentru FrancescZamora Mola (autor):

The Sketch Book (2018)


The Home Book (2018)
