History of Romanian law
50,00 lei
Authors | Sorin Alexandru Vernea |
Publisher | Hamangiu |
Year | 2024 |
Pages | 184 |
Informații suplimentare
General | |
Authors | Sorin Alexandru Vernea |
Publisher | Hamangiu |
Year | 2024 |
Others | |
Identification | |
ISBN-13 | 9786062725228 |
Format | |
Dimensions | 145x205 |
Pages | 184 |
Lucrarea domnului Sorin Vernea este o premiera in spatiul nostru academic, nascuta din dorinta autorului de a face cunoscuta Istoria dreptului romanesc in strainatate, in limba cea mai vorbita astazi.
Gradul ridicat de dificultate al acestui demers teoretic este determinat atat de diferente semnificative de lexic si terminologie ale limbajului juridic, cat si de imposibilitatea traducerii unor termeni din vechiul limbaj juridic romanesc. In ciuda acestor piedici, autorul, cu un efort remarcabil si o perseverenta laudabila, a reusit sa dezvolte o lucrare actuala si accesibila chiar si nespecialistilor.
Recomand cu caldura acest curs universitar ca reper pentru literatura noastra juridica si sunt convins ca, pentru autorul sau, este doar primul pas pe drumul provocator, dar plin de satisfactii, catre o cariera universitara exceptionala si de succes.
Mr. Sorin Vernea's work is a premiere in our academic space, born from the author’s desire to make the History of Romanian law known abroad, in the most spoken language today.
The high degree of difficulty of this theoretical approach, is determined both by significant differences in the lexicon and terminology of the legal alphabet, and by the impossibility of translating some terms from the old Romanian legal language. Despite these facts, the author, with remarkable effort and a commendable perseverance, managed to develop a current and accessible work even to non-specialists.
I highly recommend this university course as a benchmark for our legal literature and I am convinced that, for its author, it is only the first step on the challenging but rewarding road to an exceptional and successful university career.
Professor Aurel-Jean Andrei,
Faculty of Law – University of Bucharest