Help me remember

55,00 lei

Authors L.M. Aria
Publisher Ink Story
Year 2022
Language Engleză
Pages 220
SKU: yDuPcFubJEetIoOim9po Categorii: , , , , Etichete: ,
Informații suplimentare
Authors L.M. Aria
Publisher Ink Story
Year 2022
Language Engleză
ISBN-13 9786069535530
Dimensions 14,5x20,5 cm - A5
Pages 220
Cover Paperback brosat

Becca wakes up dazed and confused in a sanatorium. Without a past, she finds refuge and entrusts the recovery of her shattered memories to Dr Max; the head of medicine. Gradually she discovers that things are not what they seem  and only by keeping her fragile sanity will she be safe. The debut novel by the author L.M. Aria will steal your nights and keep you in suspense until the truth is known.

Alte titluri pentru L.M.Aria (autor):

Ajută-mă să-mi amintesc (2022)


Joacă-te cu mine (2022)


Ajută-mă să uit (2022)
