Hamlet, Prince of Denmark

85,80 lei


Authors William Shakespeare
Publisher ELI
Year 2016
Pages 64
SKU: zDA70ZMZMkWcbkz7I1ZF Categorie:
Informații suplimentare
Authors William Shakespeare
Publisher ELI
Year 2016
ISBN-13 9788853621085
Dimensions 14,8 x 21 cm
Pages 64

Theme: Love

“There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.”

– William Shakespeare, Hamlet


After Hamlet sees his father’s ghost, he begins to act in a strange way. He now knows the terrible secret of his father’s

death and must decide what to do. Many people think he’s become mad? Is it true? Will he do what his father’s ghost asks?

And what about love? Will he lose Ophelia’s love for him? Read the play and see how Hamlet’s life changes and how it changes

the lives of the people around him.



Verb tenses, forms and patterns Present Simple Present Continuous; Past Simple

Past Continuous; Present Perfect Simple;

Future with will and going to; Affirmative, interrogative, negative forms of tenses;

Imperatives; Passive forms: present simple and past simple; Verbs with gerund, base

form or infinitive; Common phrasal verbs

Modal verbs can, could; must, need, have to; may should;

Types of clause Main clause; Coordinate clause; Subordinate clause following sure,

think, know, if, where, when; because;

Defining relative clauses with who, where