Grammar Games

Prețul inițial a fost: 206,00 lei.Prețul curent este: 133,90 lei.

Authors Mario Rinvolucri
Publisher Cambridge
Year 1985
Language Engleză
Pages 146
SKU: iK2fhl8e10CMbEh44o5r Categorii: , , , ,
Informații suplimentare
Authors Mario Rinvolucri
Publisher Cambridge
Year 1985
Language Engleză
Dimensions 21,6x28 cm
Pages 146
Cover Paperback brosat

Cognitive, affective and drama activities for EFL students This is a resource book for teachers containing material for a wide variety of games which can be played in the English language classroom. Each game focuses on one or more points of English grammar. A specification is given for each game, describing its level, materials needed, grammar points practised and time required. Grammar Games enables teachers to integrate grammar practice into their classes in novel and motivating ways.' ? will transform classes throughout the year ? the students not only enjoy the learning process, they remember what they have learnt ? Mario has hit the jackpot once again.' Practical English TeachingCognitive, affective and drama activities for EFL studentsBIC Code: EL

Alte titluri pentru MarioRinvolucri (autor):

Culture in Our Classrooms (2019)


Humanising Your Coursebook (2019)


Using the Mother Tongue (2019)
