Grammar and Vocabulary for FCE 2nd Edition with key + access to Longman Dictionaries Online

Prețul inițial a fost: 162,60 lei.Prețul curent este: 146,34 lei.

Authors Luke Prodromou
Publisher Pearson
Year 2012
Language Română
Pages 320
SKU: 5akl8IjTkU6v8WezMDqS Categorii: , , , , ,
Informații suplimentare
Authors Luke Prodromou
Publisher Pearson
Year 2012
Language Română
ISBN-13 9781408290590
Dimensions 21x29,7 cm - A4
Pages 320
Cover Paperback brosat

A complete grammar and vocabulary package for FCE preparation. With extensive reference and practice for both grammar and vocabulary, students develop both skills using just one book – all in line with the format of FCE exam questions. Now with new texts and topics Grammar and Vocabulary for Cambridge First is the complete resource for students preparing for the FCE.  The new edition offers access to Longman Dictionaries Online, helping students build vocabulary further. The online access includes a dictionary, a thesaurus, the unique Longman Vocabulary Trainer to help students learn and revise.



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Dealing with Difficulties (2019)
