Get on Stage! + DVD + Audio CD Photocopiable Resources

165,44 lei

Publisher Helbling
Year 2012
Pages 224
SKU: OtgNMoXz06Ty4OCUvE2Z Category:
Additional information
Publisher Helbling
Year 2012
ISBN-13 9783852722481
Pages 224

Get on Stage! is a photocopiable resource book with 21 original sketches and plays for young learners and teens.

The book is divided into four sections: Short humorous sketches; Medium-length sketches; Medium-length plays based on traditional stories and Teen dramas.

The DVD contains videos of three sample plays and a film session with co-author Matthew Devitt, while rehearsing a play with a group of students.

The book gives a clear rationale on why and how to use plays in ELT, plus a range of useful and practical tips and suggestions on how to stage a play.

A variety of photocopiable sheets allow students to check comprehension and practise key language.

The Audio CD contains the recordings of eleven plays in the book.