Games for Language Learning

Prețul inițial a fost: 187,00 lei.Prețul curent este: 130,90 lei.

Authors Andrew Wright, David Betteridge, Michael Buckby
Publisher Cambridge
Year 2006
Language Engleză
Pages 208
SKU: e08h3h3wUqyBgAQhHOcw Categorii: , , , ,
Informații suplimentare
Authors Andrew Wright, David Betteridge, Michael Buckby
Publisher Cambridge
Year 2006
Language Engleză
Dimensions 15,2x22,8 cm
Pages 208
Cover Paperback brosat

This is the third edition of the one of the founding titles of the CHLT series. The book features many of the original games but has also been fully revised to include new games for the ELT classroom. The structure of the book has also been revised so that the games are now grouped in a more teacher-friendly format where teachers can search based on language and skill criteria rather than just game type.A fully updated and revised edition of this classic book which contains enjoyable games to practise language at any stage of the learning process.BIC Code: EBA

Alte titluri pentru AndrewWright (autor):

Five-Minute Activities (2019)
