Formula C1 Advanced Teacher's Book with Presentation Tool and Digital Resources

153,90 lei

Authors Lynda Edwards, Jacky Newbrook
Publisher Longman Pearson ELT
Year 2021
Pages 192
SKU: Vns8vgrbEmuUOAun3kwQ Categorie:
Informații suplimentare
Authors Lynda Edwards, Jacky Newbrook
Publisher Longman Pearson ELT
Year 2021
ISBN-13 9781292391526
Dimensions 21x28
Pages 192

Teacher's Book:

teaching notes with a wealth of additional and alternative classroom ideas, including warmer and cooler tasks, flexible follow-up tasks and ideas for fast finishers

dyslexia focus boxes identify course resources and give ideas for alternative treatment of tasks

full answer key, including smart answers for exam tasks

how to sections giving advice on using the Exam file, using Formula for different course lengths, teaching for exams, developing your students as independent learners and mindfulness for exams

speaking and writing success criteria at the back of the book to help you and your students understand what a solid answer, a good answer and an ‘acing it’ answer in the exam looks like

access to digital resources and Pearson Practice English App

Presentation Tool available on Pearson English Portal:

front-of-class teacher’s tool with fully interactive version of the Coursebook (including the practice activities from the Grammar file, the Vocabulary file and the Exam file)

static activities from the Exam Trainer with embedded audio and answer key

the Coursebook is interleaved with the relevant sections of the Exam Trainer for an easy back-and-forth between the components

provides a planning mode, including teaching notes, as well as a teaching mode

provides time-coded scripts for audio embedded in the activities

easy navigation via either the book page or lesson flow

score and timer tools for teacher-led activities

Digital resources available on Pearson English Portal:

teaching notes for the Exam Trainer

editable detailed grammar PowerPoint presentations for use with each unit’s grammar points

four photocopiable worksheets (two for Vocabulary and two for Grammar) per Coursebook unit, with full teaching notes and answer key

vocabulary maps for exam wordlist

Coursebook and Exam Trainer audio.

extensive test package to use throughout the course, including Diagnostic, Unit, Progress and End of level tests

dyslexia-friendly versions of each test

both the standard and dyslexia-friendly versions of the test package available as editable Word documents or ready-to-print PDFs

two full practice exams

answer keys and audio files