Focus 3 Student's Book and ActiveBook with Online Practice, 2nd edition (B1+)

122,40 lei

Authors Izabela Michalah, Sue Kay, Vaughan Jones, Daniel Brayshaw, Beata Trapnell, Bartosz Michalowski
Publisher Pearson
Year 2023
Language Engleză
Pages 159
SKU: N2CAv8JRUKzEyqTBVxgM Categorii: , , , ,
Informații suplimentare
Authors Izabela Michalah, Sue Kay, Vaughan Jones, Daniel Brayshaw, Beata Trapnell, Bartosz Michalowski
Publisher Pearson
Year 2023
Language Engleză
ISBN-13 9781292415970
Dimensions 21x29,5 cm
Pages 159
Cover Paperback brosat

Focus Second Edition is built upon motivation, memory and meaning: three principles that are specifically relevant to teenage learners. This reliable, tried and tested approach has been revised to deliver what today’s students need.


The new edition has been fully upgraded with many new features to make the content memorable, the themes meaningful and the learning process motivating.


Solid exam preparation:

Focus Second Edition is a tried-and-tested series that gives your students the practice they need to succeed in their national and popular international English exams.


It provides students with regular opportunities to try exam-style tasks, tips and strategies available across all course components. Teachers can benefit from a thorough Assessment Package that includes a wide range of tests which can be used at different points in the course.


Student's Book with Online Practice (interactive Workbook):

core content of the course, used with a teacher in class

Online Practice & extra digital activities and resources:

Interactive Workbook with instant feedback and automatic grading

personal gradebook for students to review their performance

extra grammar and vocabulary checkpoint activities

Reading, Listening and Use of English banks of exercises and texts

all audio and video resources




Alte titluri pentru SueKay (autor):

Focus 5 Student's Book and ActiveBook with Online Practice, 2nd edition (B2+) (2023)


Focus 5 Student's Book and ActiveBook, 2nd edition (B2+) (2023)


Focus 5 Workbook, 2nd edition (B2+) (2023)


Focus 4 Student's Book and ActiveBook with Online Practice, 2nd edition (B2) (2023)


Focus 3 Student's Book and ActiveBook, 2nd edition (B1+) (2023)


Focus 2 Student's Book and ActiveBook, 2nd edition (B1) (2023)


Focus 2 Student's Book and ActiveBook with Online Practice, 2nd edition (B1) (2023)


Alte titluri pentru VaughanJones (autor):

Focus 5 Student's Book and ActiveBook with Online Practice, 2nd edition (B2+) (2023)


Focus 5 Student's Book and ActiveBook, 2nd edition (B2+) (2023)


Focus 5 Workbook, 2nd edition (B2+) (2023)
