47,25 lei
Additional information
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Authors | Andras Chiriliuc |
Year | 2022 |
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Identification | |
ISBN-13 | 9786069557556 |
Format | |
Pages | 88 |
Andras Chirilluc's lyrical approach of defining the poetic self through love or suffering, related either to moments or places, takes us through various registers, tones and states, sublimating everything to Ecstasy. lt is not an easy, journey, but an initiatory path that values the experiences to the sublime. – Violeta Borzea
Dernersul liric al lui Andras Chiriliuc de defintre a eului poetic prin iubire sau suferinta, raportat fie la momente, fie la locuri. ne poarta prin diverse registre, tonuri stari, sublimand totul pana la Extaz. Nu e o calatorie ci un drum initiatic care valorifica trairile pana la sublim. – Violeta Borzea
Andras Chiriliuc nu este doar un talentat si pasionat interpret de muzica clasica, ci si un poet sensibil, proz. ator si eseist, regizor si dansator, un veritabil simbol al unui timp de confluenta a artelor. Exista de pe acum semne evidente ca Andras Chiriliuc va fi un nume de referinta in cultura romana a secolului al XXI-lea. Andras Chirihuc is not only a talented and passionate performer of classical music, but also a sensitive poet, prose writer and essayist, director and dancer, a true syrnbol of a time of confluence of the arts. There are already obvious signs that Andras Chiriliuc will be a name of reference in the Romanian culture of the 21. century. – Constantin Sever
Editie: Bilingva. Romana-engleza.