Evolution: The Human Story

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Authors Alice Roberts
Publisher DK Publishing (Dorling Kindersley)
Language Engleză
Pages 256
SKU: jblT6yNaakyJxPOk7BEd Categorii: ,
Informații suplimentare
Authors Alice Roberts
Publisher DK Publishing (Dorling Kindersley)
Language Engleză
ISBN-13 9780241636923
Dimensions 24x29 cm
Pages 256
Cover Hardcover

Travel back in time almost eight million years to explore the roots of the human family tree.

Written and authenticated by a team of experts and with a foreword by Professor Alice Roberts, Evolution brings us face to face with our ancestors. Interweaving latest discoveries, maps, and incredible illustrations, it tells the story of our origins and helps us better understand our species, from tree-dwelling primates to modern humans.

Renowned Dutch paleoartists the Kennis brothers bring our ancestors to life with their beautiful, accurate reconstructions that visually trace each step in our evolutionary history. Combined with clear prose, this comprehensive yet accessible book provides a rich history of each stage of human evolution, from human anatomy and behaviour to the environment we live in.











Alte titluri pentru AliceRoberts (autor):

Marea șansă a existenței (2023)


The Complete Human Body: The Definitive Visual Guide (2023)
