Emil und die Detektive + Hörbuch (A1)

40,50 lei


Informații suplimentare
Authors Erich Kästner
Publisher Black Cat Cideb
Year 2023
Language Germană
ISBN-13 9788853019455
Dimensions 16x24 cm
Pages 80
Cover Paperback brosat

Emil goes to Berlin all by himself. His mother gives him some money to take to his grandmother there, but it disappears on the train! Emil knows who the thief is, and wants to find the man. And so the hunt begins, but can Emil really get his money back? Gustav mit der Hupe, Pony Hütchen and other young detectives will help him out.


Spielen mit Emil und den Detektiven
Emil und die Detektive im Film



Alte titluri pentru ErichKästner (autor):

Prichindelul – HC (2020)


Emil şi cei trei gemeni (Vol. 2) – HC (2023)


Emil şi detectivii (Vol. 1) (2023)


Pachet Seria Emil (2021)


Clasa zburătoare – PB (2023)


35 mai sau Konrad pornește călare spre Mările Sudului (2017)


Clasa zburătoare – HC (2019)


Das doppelte Lottchen + Hörbuch (A2) (2023)
