ELI Bildwörterbuch + digital book

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Authors Marlene Kuppelwieser
Publisher ELI
Year 2019
Pages 160
SKU: vxNI3EgD40OQbvfSobhE Categorie:
Informații suplimentare
Authors Marlene Kuppelwieser
Publisher ELI
Year 2019
ISBN-13 9788853627063
Pages 160

Illustrated dictionary + online digital book with audio and activities (Near beginners – Upper Intermediate level, CEFR A2-B2).


35 illustrated thematic pages introduce topics like home, the family, school and work as well as general topics such as the environment and astronomy.

The book presents over 2, 000 words, with dialogues and vocabulary extension activities for each theme and a useful alphabetical listing of all the words, cross-referenced to the relevant themed page.

Includes free access to the online Digital Book with audio recording of all the words and dialogues to practise pronunciation and digital activities for each topic. The audio and multimedia content is immediately available on mobile devices (smartphones, tablets) through the App.