Dork Diaries 13: Birthday Drama!

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Authors Rachel Renée Russell
Publisher Simon & Schuster Ltd
Year 2019
Language Engleză
Pages 304
SKU: Qb3cR6PXoUe0STCSYHBG Categorii: , ,
Informații suplimentare
Authors Rachel Renée Russell
Publisher Simon & Schuster Ltd
Year 2019
Title (original) Dork Diaries 13: Birthday Drama!
Language Engleză
ISBN-13 9781471172779
Dimensions 130 x 197 x 19mm
Pages 304
Cover Paperback

With a HUGE global fanbase, Dork Diaries is the perfect series for fans of Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Tom Gates and Jacqueline Wilson. Welcome to Nikki Maxwell's aDORKable world in the thirteenth book in the mega-selling Dork Diaries series – now with over 45 million copies in print worldwide! OMG! Nikki's birthday party is going to be beyond awesome! Her BFFs are planning a SUPERcool pool party, with a cake, a DJ, and the perfect invitations. Organizing a big party for one hundred people is easy, right? UMMM wrong! When her mum says it's too expensive, soon it's looking like Nikki's dream party will be a total dorky disaster – cringe! Can Nikki and her BFFs come up with a plan to save the day, or will there be major birthday drama?!Have you read all the DORK DIARIES series? Dork Diaries Dork Diaries: Party Time Dork Diaries: Pop Star Dork Diaries: How To Dork Your Diary Dork Diaries: Skating Sensation Dork Diaries: Dear Dork Dork Diaries: Holiday Heartbreak Dork Diaries: OMG! All About Me Diary! Dork Diaries: TV Star Dork Diaries: Once Upon a Dork Dork Diaries: Drama Queen Dork Diaries: Puppy Love Dork Diaries: Frenemies Forever Dork Diaries: Crush Catastrophe Dork Diaries: Birthday Drama Dork Diaries: Spectacular Superstar Dork Diaries: I Love Paris! – Coming soon!



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