Die Verwandlung (B1)

Prețul inițial a fost: 49,40 lei.Prețul curent este: 44,46 lei.


Authors Franz Kafka
Publisher Black Cat Cideb
Year 2021
Language Germană
Pages 96
SKU: Jr4wOCnuSEm9x7GFYFFx Categorii: , , , , , , , Etichetă:
Informații suplimentare
Authors Franz Kafka
Publisher Black Cat Cideb
Year 2021
Language Germană
ISBN-13 9788853020611
Dimensions 16x24 cm
Pages 96
Cover Paperback

One morning Gregor Samsa, a young sales representative, wakes up to find that he has been transformed into a huge insect. From the other side of his bedroom door, his parents, sister, and even his boss pester him and demand to know why he hasn’t got up yet. What should he do? How will they react? What will become of his job, and the family who rely on his salary to make ends meet?

Alte titluri pentru FranzKafka (autor):

Metamorfoza şi alte povestiri (2013)


Metamorfoza (2023)


America (2022)


Scrisoare către tata (2024)


Castelul (2022)


America (2018)


Procesul (2018)


Procesul (2023)


Metamorfoza şi alte povestiri (2019)


Vizuina (2023)
