Designpocket. Beach Hotels

48,17 lei

Publisher Teneues
Year 2004
Language Engleză
Pages 400
SKU: MQMhMAgbnU21MCZ16ZPt Categorii: , , , , , ,
Informații suplimentare
Publisher Teneues
Year 2004
Language Engleză
ISBN-13 9783823845669
Dimensions 13x19 cm
Pages 400
Cover Paperback brosat

This lavishly illustrated guide to the most beautiful beach hotels in the world should do for sea-side vacations what Ski Hotels did for winter get-aways. The hotels featured are distinguished by masterly architecture and exemplary interior design and range over five continents. Whether in luxurious European destinations or more exotic locales in Africa, Australia, the Caribbean, or the Seychelles (among others), this book includes an inspiring selection of gem-like resorts in the most heavenly surroundings.

Alte titluri pentru Martin NicholasKunz (editor):

Designpocket. Cosmopolitan Hotels (2018)
