Decoratii conferite preotimii romane in perioada 1916–1921

52,25 lei

Authors Laurentiu Stefan Szemkovics
Publisher MEGA
Year 2023
Pages 160
SKU: 1ajfQw9w7UenTt9OClCo Categorii: ,
Informații suplimentare
Authors Laurentiu Stefan Szemkovics
Publisher MEGA
Year 2023
ISBN-13 9786060205913
Pages 160

Distinctiile pot fi privite ca monumente durabile menite a pastra amintirea unor evenimente insemnate, a glorifica izbanzi stralucite si a lega, in urma unor intamplari negative, zalele rupte din lantul istoriei omenirii: ele constituie istoria gravata pe metal a popoarelor si a suveranilor care s‑au remarcat prin intelepciunea sau vitejia lor.

Distinctions can be seen as enduring monuments to the memory of significant events, to glorify brilliant achievements and to bind, in the wake of negative events, the broken links in the chain of human history: they constitute the history engraved on metal of peoples and royal figures who have distinguished themselves by their wisdom or valour. (din „Introducere”)