Death. A User's Guide

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Authors Tom Hickman
Publisher Astro
Year 2002
Pages 308
SKU: 7RLcC2i9EaLw7qwRzFjN Categorie:
Informații suplimentare
Authors Tom Hickman
Publisher Astro
Year 2002
ISBN-13 9780091885694
Dimensions 11x15
Pages 308

Forget manuels for cars and computers, death is the big event you really need to be clued up for and there's just no excuse for slacking. "Death – A User's Guide" is a one-step stop shop about death and beyond. This book also presents: the history of death, the physiology of death, death in literature and art, suicide, superstitions, near death experiences, the language of death, the rituals of death, secrets of the undertaker, the afterlife, reincarnation, famous last words, bizarre burials, amusing epitaphs, strange ways to die, and enough curious facts and figures to bury a man.