DaF kompakt A2. Deutsch als Fremdsprache für Erwachsene. Kurs- und Übungsbuch mit 2 Audio-CDs

82,50 lei


Publisher Klett
Year 2011
Pages 184
SKU: Mkgv3FH1LEmT7jyX8cqy Categorie:
Informații suplimentare
Publisher Klett
Year 2011
ISBN-13 9783126761871
Dimensions 210 x 280 mm
Pages 184

The course and exercise book with 2 audio CDs offers:

– 10 lessons
– 3 content-related double pages per lesson as well as 1 double page overview of lesson vocabulary, grammar and idioms
– Clear assignment of optional descriptions to the double pages

DaF compact, the beginner's textbook for learners who want to quickly reach level B1, guides adults from A1 to B1.

The course is based on the Common European Framework of Reference, is compact and leads to rapid learning success thanks to its steep progression.

The learners can find themselves in the completed lesson stories. DaF compact prepares for real everyday situations and communication, contains topics from DA-CH-L and addresses cultural differences. Project assignments in the workbook encourage learner activity.