Cutting Edge A1, Starter level, New Edition Students' Book and DVD Pack
121,80 lei Prețul inițial a fost: 121,80 lei.109,62 leiPrețul curent este: 109,62 lei.
Authors | Chris Redston, Araminta Crace, Sarah Cunningham, Peter Moor |
Publisher | Pearson |
Year | 2014 |
Language | Engleză |
Pages | 176 |
Informații suplimentare
General | |
Authors | Chris Redston, Araminta Crace, Sarah Cunningham, Peter Moor |
Publisher | Pearson |
Year | 2014 |
Others | |
Language | Engleză |
Identification | |
ISBN-13 | 9781447936947 |
Format | |
Dimensions | 21x29,5 cm |
Pages | 176 |
Cover | Paperback brosat |
Cutting Edge Third Edition builds on the distinctive task-based approach that has made previous editions of the course so popular.
Engaging texts, new video content and a comprehensive digital package are just some of the features that make this fully revised edition even more effective. New features include Language Live and World Culture lessons that actively encourage students to expand their knowledge of global issues and participate in classroom discussions.
Cutting Edge Starter New Edition Students' Book and DVD Pack (table of contents)
Twelve units per level contain:
Language sections provide students with a bank of phrases to help them express themselves fluently
Guided speaking tasks help students to build their confidence
World Culture lessons with video clips are self-contained sections that encourage students to discuss global issues They provide guidance on research on the internet
Language Live lessons include real-life communicative activities with the help of video and audio clips
Can Do statements for each level are calibrated to the CEFR
Study, Practice, Remember sections provide light-hearted practice for functional language and writing
Student DVD-ROM:
Class audio with scrolling scripts
Audio and video scripts
Mini dictionary
Phonetic chart
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