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Authors | Alexandru Flutur |
Publisher | MEGA |
Year | 2020 |
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ISBN-13 | 9786060202837 |
Format | |
Pages | 198 |
Cladirea comandamentului de la Berzobis. Principia de legiune din timpul principatului
75,91 lei
Authors | Alexandru Flutur |
Publisher | MEGA |
Year | 2020 |
Pages | 198 |
„Aceasta carte reprezinta o varianta a lucrarii mele de doctorat, «Principia in castrele de legiune (sec. I-III p. Chr.)», sustinuta in 2008 la Universitatea Babes-Bolyai din Cluj- Napoca. Deoarece partea cea mai importanta trateaza cladirea comandamentului de la Berzobis, cercetata de mine, titlul a fost modificat, fiind, astfel, scoasa in evidenta noutatea cercetarii arheologice de aici. Subiectul tezei mi-a fost propus de catre acad. prof. univ. dr. Dumitru Protase in 2001, in contextul resuscitarii interesului privind studierea sitului arheologic de epoca romana din Berzovia (jud. Caras-Severin). In anul 1998, Muzeul Banatului Timisoara (actualmente Muzeul National al Banatului – MNB), prin prof. dr. Florin Drasovean (director), si Muzeul Banatului Montan Resita (prin director prof. dr. Dumitru Teicu) au demarat un proiect de colaborare pentru cercetarea acestui castru de legiune din Banat. Florin Medelet, cercetator atunci in cadrul Institutului Roman de Tracologie – Filiala Banat, si-a asumat raspunderea stiintifica a santierului arheologic, membri ai colectivului fiind Ovidiu Bozu (Muzeul Banatului Montan) si Al. Flutur (Muzeul Banatului Timisoara). Ultima campanie de sapaturi arheologice in principia de la Berzobis s-a desfasurat in 2005.” (din „Cuvant-inainte”)
"This book is a version of my doctoral thesis, «The Principia in legionary fortresses (the 1st–3rd century AD», defended in 2008 with the Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca. Since the most important part discusses the headquarters buildings from Berzobis, which I investigated, the title was changed, thus highlighting the novelty of the research performed there. The subject of my thesis was suggested by Professor Academician Dumitru Protase in 2001 within the context of the revived interest for the study of the Roman date archaeological site of Berzovia (Caras- Severin county). In 1998, the Museum of Banat in Timisoara (currently the National Museum of Banat – NMB), by Professor Florin Drasovean (manager), and the Museum of the Highland Banat in Resita (manager: Professor Dumitru Teicu) initiated a cooperation project for the research of this legionary fortress from the Banat. Florin Medelet, then fellow with the Romanian Institute of Thracology – the Banat Branch, undertook the scientific responsibility of the archaeological excavation site, the team members including Ovidiu Bozu (Museum of the Highland Banat) and Al. Flutur (Museum of Banat in Timisoara). The last archaeological campaign carried out in the principia of Berzobis occurred in 2005." (Excerpt from the foreword)