Challenging Concepts in Critical Care. Cases with Expert Commentary

395,71 lei

Authors Christopher Gough
Publisher Oxford University Press
Year 2020
Pages 336
SKU: V8eqQ7rz0aROBf00DAxm Categorie:
Informații suplimentare
Authors Christopher Gough
Publisher Oxford University Press
Year 2020
ISBN-13 9780198814924
Dimensions 245x290
Pages 336

A case-based guide with expert commentary, Challenging Concepts in Critical Care shows how the experts approach and deal with real-life clinical scenarios. Each chapter presents a clinically challenging case complete with a case history, evidence based tips, and up-to-date learning points. To give further insight into the field, each chapter has commentary from an expert who identifies and explains the key points and controversies of the case.


Practical yet rich in detail, Challenging Concepts in Critical Care is a key title for anyone preparing for intensive care exams. For each case, key information is highlighted through the use of boxes to stimulate interest and facilitate learning: 'Learning points', 'Clinical tips', 'Evidence base', and 'Expert commentary'. With new information on key trials, clinical practise, and evidence based research, this book is also an invaluable resource for experienced critical care clinicians looking for a concise update on a wide range of challenging topics in the field. In addition, it is of high value to senior ICU nurses, allied health professionals, and anyone with an interest in intensive care medicine.