Carte de metodica limba engleza Game on!

131,00 lei

Authors Andy Harvey
Year 2017
SKU: XOjVe28GyUi1Jp3ZuhOc Categorie:
Informații suplimentare
Authors Andy Harvey
Year 2017
ISBN-13 9781844663415

Carte de metodica pentru gimnaziu si liceu, cu 150 de activitati interactive, sub forma de jocuri, de la nivelul beginner la advanced. Prin metodele prezentate, copiii isi dezvolta abilitatile de speaking, listening, writing si reading si isi imbunatatesc pronuntia si cunostintele de vocabular si gramatica. Activitatile variate propuse (jocuri de cuvinte, dramatizare, jocuri de rol, solutionarea unor situatii-problema) necesita timp minim de pregatire, sunt stimulante si amuzante, creand o atmosfera calda si prietenoasa in clasa. Contine materiale fotocopiabile. 


Game On! presents a new and exciting approach to using lively, enjoyable game-based language activities in the classroom. It is an indispensable aid for every teacher, giving ideas and examples of motivating interactive activities which can be adapted for use at any level and with any age group. The book follows the principle of fitting activities to students-needs and involving students in the preparation of activities. It can be used with any coursebook. There are six sections in the book, covering classroom space, warm-up and extension, vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, reading and writing, and speaking.


Key Features:

150 different and re-usable activities for pairs, groups and the whole class

Extends and consolidates student learning and competence in vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation

Develops skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing

Emphasis on both fluency and accuracy

Challenging and fun photocopiable activity cards and board games

Clear focus and step-by-step instructions for each activity

Minimum preparation time

Wide variety of competitive and co-operative activity types, including word games, drama, role-play, problem solving

Encourages a warm, friendly and positive classroom atmosphere

Attractive two-colour layout.