Campaign 2 Class Audio CD

114,80 lei

Publisher Macmillan
Year 2005
SKU: aovL4Xu1EejR4SpyRpjw Categorie:
Informații suplimentare
Publisher Macmillan
Year 2005
ISBN-13 9781405009881

Campaign 2 Class Audio CD 


Campaign combines the rigorous language analysis of a good English for Specific Purposes course with the teachability of a good General English course. It deals with real issues that concern servicemen and women. Units range from How tanks fight to Operation orders to Aircraft carriers. There are topics and texts from a variety of international military contexts, including the US, the UK, NATO and the UN. Throughout, learning of key specialised military lexis goes hand in hand with the developement of general language competence systematic skills practice and carefully planned grammar syllabus.