Cambridge: English for Nursing Intermediate Plus

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Publisher Cambridge University Press
Year 2008
Pages 120
SKU: Y2a8q3l7JUixqmvFdoU6 Categorie:
Informații suplimentare
Publisher Cambridge University Press
Year 2008
ISBN-13 9780521715409
Pages 120

Cambridge English for Nursing Intermediate Plus is designed to improve the communication skills and specialist English language knowledge of healthcare professionals, enabling them to work more confidently and effectively. 


With an emphasis on listening and speaking, the course covers the core areas of nursing with authentic tasks and activities based on everyday scenarios, making the course relevant and motivating. The Student's Book contains two audio CDs and the course is backed-up by a wealth of online activities helping keep nurses up-to-date and confident in their working environment.


From the Author


'Cambridge English for Nursing' Intermediate Plus follows 'Cambridge English for Nursing' Pre-Intermediate with practice in the more technical areas usually undertaken by Registered or Endorsed Enrolled Nurses. Near authentic hospital charts such as care pathways and patient notes are included to encourage students to become familiar with their use. Complex communication skills are also presented such as talking with a dying patient, assessing the pain level of a child and reassuring a pre-operative patient who is anxious. 


Many nurses communicate in English at work, either in an English-speaking country or in their own country using English as a common language to communicate with patients who may be accidentally injured on holiday. English is also used to communicate with medical tourists. 

English for Medical Purposes encompasses the language used by a range of Healthcare Professionals. Nurses need to be able to use medical terms and also everyday health terms in order to communicate safely and effectively. Registered Nurses have the added responsibility of supervising Healthcare


Assistants or Certified Nursing Assistants and must also be confident in communicating within the Multidisciplinary Team both face-to-face and over the telephone.


The hospital environment can be pressured at times so confidence in using specific healthcare language is essential. 'Cambridge English for Nursing' is complemented by several books written by Virginia Allum in the 'English for Medical Purposes' series which covers areas such as Spelling and Vocabulary, Medication Calculation for Nurses, The Heart, Doctors and Health Care Assistants.