Caietul elevului Exam Maximiser CAE Gold PLus and CD with key Pack

70,50 lei

Authors Elaine Boyd
Publisher Longman Pearson ELT, Pearson
Year 2010, 2008
Language Engleză
Pages 176
SKU: XtDcCG7NS0OCI9VOwX9K Categorii: , , , , , , , , Etichetă:
Informații suplimentare
Authors Elaine Boyd
Publisher Longman Pearson ELT, Pearson
Year 2010, 2008
Language Engleză
ISBN-13 9781405876810
Dimensions 21x29,7 cm - A4
Pages 176
Cover Paperback brosat

The Maximiser is a unique combination of workbook and exam handbook, which can be used for immediate follow-up work in class or for homework, intensive exam preparation after completing the Coursebook, or by students preparing for the exam independently. The Maximiser: recycles and reviews the grammar and vocabulary presented in the Coursebookis packed with further language and skills practice in exam format for each exam paper with exam strategies and guidancecontains one complete practice test for timed practice in the run up to the examaccompanied by audio CDs for the Maximiser listening exercises allowing students to practise listening at home'with Key' edition includes annotated answers and audio script