Caiet de limba germana, clasa a 5-a Limba 2. Pingpong Neu 1, Arbeitsbuch

54,00 lei

Publisher HUEBER
Year 2012
Pages 140
SKU: 7D70nd9yk0yx9wGeZQcJ Categorii: ,
Informații suplimentare
Publisher HUEBER
Year 2012
ISBN-13 9783190116546
Pages 140

Workbook Your German Book

Target group: Young learners in Germany and abroad with no prior knowledge of German.

Learning objective: The course in three volumes leads to the level of the German certificate.

Edition of the workbook in different source languages, with grammatical explanations and contrastive notes in the respective mother tongue.

Italian, Quaderno di esercizi

Polish, Cwiczenia

Spanish, Libro de ejercicios

The exercises in the workbook are clearly assigned to the learning steps in the textbook. Each lesson contains reading texts with tasks that train reading comprehension, as well as tests that learners can use to check their learning. Pronunciation exercises complete each lesson.

The exercises in the workbook are suitable for use in class as well as for independent work at home.

Authors: Gabriele Kopp, Konstanze Frölich

Anul aparitiei: 2012

No. pagini: 140