Bugaboo the Wicked Witch (Level 3)

29,10 lei


Authors Cristina Ivaldi
Publisher Black Cat Cideb
Year 2011
Language Română
Pages 32
SKU: d4d4oSqCr0tVSjFqnriA Categorie: Etichetă:
Informații suplimentare
Authors Cristina Ivaldi
Publisher Black Cat Cideb
Year 2011
Language Română
ISBN-13 9788877545732
Dimensions 16,5x23,5 cm
Pages 32
Cover Paperback

This is a story about a witch who is so stupid that she is actually harmless! She becomes extremely dangerous however, when a blow to her head turns her into a good witch. There is nothing worse than a very stupid person who wants to do good, particularly if she has magic powers on her side!

Alte titluri pentru CristinaIvaldi (autor):

Level 4: Space Monsters + audio CD (Early A1) (2024)


Earlyreads: Monster in the Box (Level 3) + Audio CD (2024)
