Bleak House (retelling)

34,90 lei

Authors Charles Dickens
Publisher Usborne Publishing
Year 2009
Language Engleză
Pages 64
SKU: mloifQBWH0OudbqEuX9v Categorii: , , , ,
Informații suplimentare
Authors Charles Dickens
Publisher Usborne Publishing
Year 2009
Language Engleză
ISBN-13 9780746097021
Dimensions 13 x 20 cm
Pages 64
Cover Hardcover

This is a new title in "Young Reading Series Three", part of the Usborne Young Reading Programme, which is aimed at children whose reading ability and confidence allows them to tackle longer and more complex stories. Based on the novel by Charles Dickens, "Bleak House" is a suspenseful tale of secrets, lies and money. It is developed in consultation with Alison Kelly, who is a senior lecturer in education and an early reading specialist from Roehampton University.

Alte titluri pentru CharlesDickens (autor):

Poveste de Crăciun (2014)


Poveste de Crăciun (2022)


Viaţa lui David Copperfield (Vol. 3) (2014)


David Copperfield (2022)


Oliver Twist (2014)


Poveste despre două orașe (2016)


Oliver Twist (repovestire) (2016)


Casa Umbrelor (2 Vol.) (2016)


David Coperfield. Suferințele unui copil (vol. I) (2017)


David Coperfield. Zorii unei zile mai bune (vol. II) (2017)
